Remedial Massage / Sports Massage / Deep Tissue
Remedial therapies are used to treat and repair muscles and parts of the body that are damaged. Affected muscles, tendons and bones can trigger pain or radiate throughout the body. The aim is to balance the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons, which restores the correct position of the bones, increases blood flow and helps heal injuries.
Helps with:
*Chronic & Sciatic Pain
*Anxiety or Depression
*Side effects of cancer and diabetes
*Muscle cramps, whiplash, fibromyalgia, muscular atrophy, fibrositis, spondylitis, and frozen shoulder.
Deep tissue therapies targets the inner layers muscles and connective tissues to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduces tension in muscle and tissue. It promotes faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation and offers both physical and psychological benefits.
• Reduce pain in chronic problems
• Sports injuries
• Fibromyalgia
• Plantar fasciitis
20 min | $45.00
30 min | $70.00
40 min | $85.00
45 min | $90.00
50 min | $95.00
60 min | $105.00
70 min | $115.00
75 min | $125.00
90 min | $150.00
120 min | $190.00
Relaxation Massage / Swedish Massage
Swedish massage helps with relaxation and energy renewal as well as relieve pain, stress and muscle tension. It can also help people cope with illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stomach problems, fibromyalgia etc.
Relaxation massage focuses on providing general relaxation, relieving muscle tension and improving blood circulation. It does not offer absolute cure, but can offer many benefits such as pain relief, lower blood pressure, improves physical appearance, digestive issues and sleep etc.
Shiatsu is a holistic form of therapy that improves a person’s overall health by affecting their internal energy system. It is considered to be a modified form of acupressure which involves pressing specific points in the body to reduce tension and fatigue by improving blood and lymphatic circulation.
Sports massage is designed to help athletes increase flexibility and endurance, prevent injuries and reduce recovery time. It is a strenuous, not relaxing, form of massage.
20 min | $45.00
30 min | $70.00
40 min | $85.00
50 min | $95.00
60 min | $105.00
70 min | $115.00
75 min | $125.00
90 min | $150.00
120 min | $190.00
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage, an ancient holistic treatment rooted in the Ayurvedic system of healing originating in India around a thousand years ago, employs a variety of pressure and techniques to target the head, neck, upper back, and shoulders.
The primary objective of this massage is to unblock the channels believed to be the source of indispositions. It involves circular strokes on the scalp, deep tissue work on the shoulders, and neck stretching.
Indian families traditionally utilized this massage technique. In the 1970s, Narendra Mehta introduced it to Western culture.
Stimulates lymphatic drainage, increases blood circulation, helps prevent migraines, headaches, and back pain. It also enhances joint mobility, reduces eye fatigue and strain, and diminishes sinusitis. Additionally, it alleviates stress and insomnia, enhances hair growth, renews energy levels, relieves anxiety and depression symptoms, increases concentration and memory, and provides a sense of rejuvenation